Windows Desktop Developer

Saturday, December 05, 2009

ಹೌ ಟು ಮೇಕ್ ಮನಿ ಆನ್ಲೈನ್


Griz's First Video

Okay - this won't win any awards but I have been fiddling with youtube lately and posted this video.

What? You expected to see me? Thought it had something to do with making money online? Lol. yes I'm a jerk...

Actually it does have to do with making money online in the sense that I am going to find out exactly how G decides which videos it pushes to page 1 in the search results. To that end I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest the videos with the most anchored backlinks will win. Yes a real stretch so with that in mind you can go directly to youtube and watch the Red Fox Videothere. (You can watch it here - I just needed an excuse to send a proper keyword anchored backlink to the vid.) ;-)

And yes - I shot the video. That's my 7 year old feeding the Fox and yes I know... don't feed wild animals. (Last time I did I ended up with a pet wolf for 15 years - btw. Max the Wolf passed on two months ago from old age - we miss him a lot.)

So as long as I lured you all here under false pretenses I have a question for all you twitter users. Have any of you signed up with Okay 2 questions - if you have are any of you getting advertisers?

On paper sounds like it might make a few bucks if you have enough twitter followers. The premise is simple enough - sign up and tweet a couple of ads a week to your followers and get paid a weekly fee for your effort. The thing is I signed up with my small following of twitterers (only 800 followers) and have yet to see an advertiser darken my doorstep. Not that this surprises me as I haven't played the twitter game of following everyone who follows me. If I had I would be well in the 5 figures by now. Many of my readers do have thousands of followers though and I thought I'd trouble you folks for some feedback. Are you using and if so how many followers do you have and what kind of rate are you getting based on your followers? If it turns out that there is money to be made in this I may have to rethink my twitter following.

If you haven't heard of and have a lot of followers (you need a minimum of 50 to be accepted) then you might want to join up (it's free - really free...) and test it yourself. That link has my referring id in it and normally I wouldn't care if you used my link or not but I got an email from yesterday that said I had cracked the top ten for referrals for some contest they are running - who can send the most traffic to them of course - and the prize is a MacBook which I don't need or want (I'll give it away on here should I win it once I think of some lame contest...) These kind of contests never interest me but when I saw the list of who was in the top ten I felt the urge to catch Mr "I make money online by taking pictures of my food" Chow... If inclined please join and full disclosure - I make no money from you joining and have not been paid to promote (I really just want to find out how many people Chow referred and I need to beat him to do that - isn't publishing the numbers.) Yes I do have better things to do...

Speaking of which - I just found out my friend Allyn Hane finally got hisBeer Review Blog up and running and I want to lend him a hand with a link and some traffic if any of you are into cold frosty beverages. Allyn is a heckofanice guy and drop in on him if you have a moment. If you are a struggling musician he is looking to promote unknown music on his beer videos (Allyn is a video blogger) so get in touch with him if you are looking to promote your stuff.

Lastly for the 16 emailers who politely and some not so politely asked me to put up a new post... I just did. :-)



Prologue - It took about an hour for the video to show up on page 1 of the serp's for "Hand Feeding a Red Fox" - not a competitive term but apparently links work just as well for vids as they do for pages.

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